Since its launch in 2012, re3data has become the resource of information about research data repositories. It indexes and provides extensive information about more than 2450 research data repositories. Universities and research centres register their...
Read moreMore and more funders and publishers require research data to be made available in appropriate repositories, but determining which repository to choose or what counts as an “appropriate repository” can take up a lot of time. What is a researcher to...
起点加速器 安卓By offering detailed information on more than 2,000 research data repositories, re3data has become the most comprehensive source of reference for research data infrastructures globally. Through the development and advocacy of a framework for discipline...
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Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Purdue University Libraries
深度评测启辰星:全家人的快乐车_车家号_发现车生活_汽车之家:2 天前 · 一定要说加速迅猛、转向敏捷、底盘硬朗、操控灵活的车就是好车那并不是实事求是的态度。 因为很多车买来不是为了驾驶者自己而存在,更多是满足全家每一个人的出行,比如接送老婆孩子,又或者偶尔帮年迈的父母搬抬大件物品,更可能是需要满足每年一次的全家人出游。
Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation